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C2J (Connect to Jesus): Our vision is to have a vibrant and transformative community connected to Jesus and one another. We are committed to moving individuals through a dynamic journey of spiritual growth. This journey encompasses three pivotal movement points: Connecting, Connected, and Connector. We pray that in future days, through connection to Jesus, we will see a community of believers who live out Jesus’ model of one-by-one discipleship. We will see this discipleship taking place inside our church walls and within neighborhoods, workplaces, and homes. “Not only will one by one discipleship be moving in this place but we will be a transformative place of worship…”. With a movement of discipleship and transforming worship, we will connect to Jesus and others beyond our walls and into Buchanan County where we will resource the suffering, be a support to the hurting, and love the broken back to Jesus.”


The Vansant Church of Christ began in 1957. The congregation has continued to grow and reach people for the cause of Christ. VCC has served not only locally in the Vansant area but also in many mission fields throughout the world. In our laboring for Christ, we have assisted in starting other congregations in Virginia, Mexico, and India.

Core Values/Behaviors

At our church, we believe that our identity defines our actions. When we understand who we are in Christ, we gain clarity on how to live out our faith. These five guiding principles, drawn from the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, serve as our foundation. They inspire, encourage, and direct us as we strive to fulfill our mission now and in the years ahead.

Bible Lessons

Abiding with Jesus

We will be more than Sunday Christians; we will remain connected to Jesus through His word, prayer, and the Holy Spirit in everything.

Image by Joel Muniz
Water ripple effect

Washers of Feet

We will not be people who warm seats but actively love, serve, and reach those we encounter.

Image by Matt Botsford

Worship in Spirit & Truth

We will do what we were created to do: worship. It is more than singing songs; it's about knowing the character of God, joining together in community, and being authentic people.

Image by Brian Patrick Tagalog

Elevate the Timothys

We will see the importance of raising others up by growing their walk with Jesus. From our children and our students to those we see with great potential, we will equip them for the work of the ministry.

Empower Generosity

We will return what belongs to the Lord by giving our time, resources, and finances to meet our ministry's needs.


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© 2025 Vansant Church of Christ // All rights reserved.

1383 Lovers Gap Rd.

Vansant, VA 24656




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